Economic Reconciliation

The FNRC will be a significant milestone towards the recognition of our fiscal rights over our historic lands. That recognition will be a major step towards completing the unfinished business of Confederation – recognizing First Nation jurisdiction and providing a fiscal relationship to support it.
The FNRC will help reduce our reliance on revenues collected by other governments. That reliance puts us in a funding relationship, and a funding relationship is a relic of colonialism. The FRNC within the First Nations Fiscal Management Act will allow us to collect revenues as our right. We will then be able to use these monies to set our own priorities, design our services and implement our own jurisdiction. That approach is a true fiscal relationship, and a true fiscal relationship would make us self-determining partners in Confederation. The FNRC proposal, supported by the FMA framework, will not take us all the way, but it is a step in the right direction.